David Whitwell

The Art of Musical Conducting


This book by Dr. David Whitwell is destined to be regarded as one of the most important works on the subject. It emphasizes the philosophic and aesthetic concepts of conducting and will cause ensemble directors to re-examine their ideas about the way they look at music making.


This book by Dr. David Whitwell is destined to be regarded as one of the most important works on the subject. It emphasizes the philosophic and aesthetic concepts of conducting and will cause ensemble directors to re-examine their ideas about the way they look at music making.

Frederick Fennell to David Whitwell
Saratosa, FL, April 22, 1998

Before you are launched into the printing you have to know that “your book” will be major among your writings. You know this, of course. What jumps up as it is read rather staggers, for among those who should read it are certain to be among that endless legion of the un-read, the intellectually un-washed who stand in high places – not perhaps as shoulder to shoulder as some years ago, but the absence of places (and people) for today’s “Dialogues” remains a sad fact to us. And you must write as you do. I have some idea of how long this book has been cooking in the oven of that brain of yours. And you have not lost faith in it, ever as – all about you is seen a “Berlin-type” wall of ignorance – even false leadership. I have read and reread … Thank you again for the best [conducting book] I have yet read. Write on! Ethics!!

ie: Thank you again for the best conducting book I have yet read.

Again I found myself reading your great book. It is, of course, unique and extraordinary in the way that this expression was generated to be. Among [conducting books] there is none like this one known to me.
Frederick Fennell

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